Adriana Kostov:  women in financial services

In the recent era, we have experienced a vast growth in the participation of women in almost every different sector, whether we talk about science, culture, politics, entertainment, or even finance.

Women are showing more willingness to come out of their shells and speak more about the crisis and problems that they have to face to break those shackles of orthodox thinking and be more progressive.

The hedge Fund Association, “HFA” is one of the biggest investment associations over the world, with branches at Asia-Pacific, United Kingdom, Europe, USA, and South America. The Hedge Fund Association appointed  Adriana Kostov, Mark Feanny, and Ronnie Hale as regional directors to three new and different sites as part of the extension program in 2013.

Adriana was appointed as the Regional Director of the Global Hedge Fund Association, Australia along with previously held positions such as Director of Regulatory Affairs, Compliance for Excalibur Funds Management, the Legal & Compliance Counsel and Company Secretary at Blackswan Equities. According to Ms Kostov, there are no shortcuts or a trick to attain success, success is attributable, simple, and can be attained with old-fashioned hard work, discipline, and perseverance.

Adriana Kostov said, “I am looking forward to the challenge of leading Hedge Fund Association activity in Australia at this exciting time in its history.”

Ms Kostov has a belief that augmented market variability basically portrays an optimistic possibility for the growth of hedge funds since, “their primary investment goal is to preserve capital, reduce risks and provide investors with stable returns uncorrelated to market movements.” She further added, “The benefits of specialised trading strategies and risk mitigation programs offer investors an opportunity to reduce overall portfolio risk”.

Adriana’s educational background in Law and Commerce has really helped her a lot in handling her job roles plus her practical skills and her attitude to face challenging tasks.

Ms Kostov was invited as a speaker at “the Women in Asset Management Forum”, represented by the Asian Investor magazine, Ritz Carlton, Hong Kong in 2014. Ms Kostov was invited under the Panel Discussion to speak on the “The Role of Women”, a “discussion on the trials and successes of women in the asset management industry, the importance of mentoring, challenges women face to climb the corporate ladder, expert self awareness and visibility, and solutions to women’s issues in the path of professional success.”

An advocate for women progressing in financial services, Adriana Kostov, believes there are no limitations to a woman’s ability to achieve the level of success she desires if she puts her mind to it.


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