Traveller | Adriana Kostov

If the regional director of the Australia Hedge Fund Association ran her own airline, she would offer adults-only flights. First, business or economy? Business where possible. Most frequented destination The world’s financial centres – New York, London and Hong Kong – and Perth to visit family and friends. I would like to say I take regular holidays but that’s not really the case. Work dictates my travel schedule. However, if I can attend a fashion show/art exhibition, et cetera while I am abroad, I will. If I ran my own airline I would . . . Offer a child-free/adults-only service. Worst place you’ve been lost I am quite fortunate that I haven’t had a negative experience of being lost. My sense of direction is luckily quite accurate. Most memorable overseas dining The selection of fresh seafood in Genoa, Italy, is fantastic. It isn’t exactly classified as dining but the My Lady by Monaco cocktail at the Blue Gin Bar at the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel is one of the best I have had. In the sui...