BUSINESS PRESS RELEASES Can Women Have It All? Yes They Can says Adriana Kostov
Throughout university, while climbing the corporate ladder, attending networking and social functions, there was the unspoken phenomenon of women pursuing what was deemed as the perfect life. But what is the perfect life and at what point is it that you have everything and want for nothing? “I cannot speak for all women out there” says Adriana Kostov “however, I think you reach a point in your life where everything falls into place, in the most unexpected way and you realise you have everything and want for absolutely nothing”. It is a great point in life to reach. “Time, life experience, doing the hard yards, sacrifices, successes, failures, allows you to reach a point where you realise, nothing is holding you back and you have everything you want, right in front of you” says Kostov. “It has nothing to do with the amount of designer dresses in your wardrobe, the amount of corporate awards won” says Kostov, “it is a feeling of peace and contentment and confidence to know you are ...